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Evolution: Repurposing Assets for the future, in Melbourne

Evolution: Repurposing Assets for the future, in Melbourne

Aug 2019
Gallagher Jeffs and Woods Bagot recently co-hosted an exclusive breakfast panel discussion, Evolution: Repurposing Assets for the future, in Melbourne. Our panel of Industry experts, Tim d'Antoine, Bronwyn McColl, Sarah Macklin together with moderator Grant Holman, shared their experiences and discussed the factors surrounding the repurposing of assets and in particular sector suitability, supply, challenges, construction and impact on commercial realisation.
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Trend watch: the movements shaping our industry in 2018

Trend watch: the movements shaping our industry in 2018

Dec 2018
This time of year is a great opportunity to reflect on our wins, our challenges and our industry as a whole as we prepare for the year ahead. Reviewing the highlights over the past 12 months and looking forward to 2019, we’re inspired by the movements and trends we see shaping our industry.

Many of the exciting projects we’ve worked on this year are very much a part of these emerging trends driven by how we live and where we live…
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From McMansion to mini mansion: the evolution of the luxury residential market

From McMansion to mini mansion: the evolution of the luxury residential market

Oct 2018
Australia boasts some of the most liveable cities in the world, with beautiful landscapes, clean air and a laid back lifestyle. Despite this, recently some mainstream residential markets have cooled, according to the 2017 Knight Frank Wealth Report which shows that a lack of supply pushed the Sydney prime market prices to 10.7%, ahead of Melbourne’s 9.8%.
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The room boom: exploring the health of the hotel industry

The room boom: exploring the health of the hotel industry

Jul 2018
The latest statistics show the hotel industry in Australia is in good health, with Revenue per available room (RevPAR) increasing on last year. This measurement compares a hotel’s average daily room rate with its occupancy rate, providing an accurate picture of performance, including the effectiveness of management strategy. The good news is that the most recent Deloitte Access Economic data shows the national RevPAR increased by 2.4% in 2017, with a projected growth of 3.1% by 2019. But what can we learn about the current industry from digging deeper into the data?
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Deciphering design: what’s next for hospitality?

Deciphering design: what’s next for hospitality?

Jul 2018
The recent Design Inn Symposium was a chance for Australasia’s hotel and hospitality design community to discuss the latest trends and shape future directions collaboratively. With top designers, architects, consultants, hotel owners and asset managers in attendance, the event generated interesting discussions for the Gallagher Jeffs team – below we share our key takeaways.
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Learning through the Built Environment

Learning through the Built Environment

Apr 2018
Australian education is a dynamic and growing service market – currently ranked the third largest provider of education to international students in the world, behind the US and UK. Renowned for world-class resources, facilities and teachers, it’s no surprise 253,757 new students arrived in Australia last year to study, with the country’s learning facilities continuously advancing.
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