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Combustible Cladding: To Replace or Not to Replace?

Combustible Cladding: To Replace or Not to Replace?

Nov 2021
It’s a dilemma – or a ticking time bomb – many buildings are facing in Victoria right now. For those wrapped in a combustible shell, they are a living, breathing fire hazard. However, the solution is not always simple. There are pros and cons for replacing combustible, non-compliant cladding on complexes vs investing the time and energy to get a ‘Performance Solution’ approved by the Building Appeals Board.
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Mar 2021
We are pleased to advise of the appointment of Jonathon Downs as Project Director.
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Combatting the affordable housing crisis in NSW

Combatting the affordable housing crisis in NSW

Sep 2020

Housing is so often taken for granted – that you’ll have a roof over your head and a safe place to sleep is something many presume as a given. However, the stark reality is that many Australians struggle to access a secure and affordable home to live in. Social housing assistance does exist in Australia, but waiting lists are demoralisingly long. 

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Gallagher Jeffs promotions

Gallagher Jeffs promotions

Jan 2020
On behalf of all the Directors, we’re delighted to advise of the following promotions within the GJ Team. Read more about each team member below.
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Gallagher Jeffs welcomes Mark Georgiadis

Gallagher Jeffs welcomes Mark Georgiadis

Oct 2019
Gallagher Jeffs is excited to announce the appointment of Mark Georgiadis as NSW Manager.
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Education is at our core! Gallagher Jeffs at TEMC 2019

Education is at our core! Gallagher Jeffs at TEMC 2019

Oct 2019

CONFERENCE | Education is at our core! Last week, our team attended the 2019 Tertiary Education Management Conference (TEMC) in Adelaide. Our contingent was led by Head of Business Development, Chris Priftis and Senior Project Manager, Panayiota Koutroulis. Some of the headline topics and trends discussed were; Student Accommodation, Humanising Campuses, Sustainability, Employment and Innovation Clusters and The Future of Academic workplace.

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